
New Years Day 2010

I hope that everyone out there has been having a safe and grand holiday season so far! 
I know that we have.

On January 1st, 2010, we are planning on heading down to Brenton Point in Newport RI for our
 traditional New Years Day fly. 
I am not certain what number this is for me but it has to be double digits now!!!

If there is anything you would like from Windswept Kites - and you are planning on being in teh area as well - please drop me a note and we can hand deliver things to you.

If we do not see you then have a wonderful New Years celebration!

Good Winds!
Hope to see you in 2010


The Holidays are upon us!

Yep, they are.

If you are hoping to get a cool one of a kind kite for the holidays make sure to pass along our website to your family and friends!

We ship USPS Priority mail and that gets most packages around the US in about 4-5 days - but do not wait to the last second!!!

Good winds!